A new wine and gin bar opened in Westbourne on Thursday and I thought it would be rude not to check it out. The launch night had been advertised in several sittings to accommodate the interest in this new hip place.
It was easy to spot with the bright coloured wall and Ginjams emblazoned awning. Parking was a bit of an issue for us but to be honest if you want a true idea of what this place has to offer, get a lift, go by bus or simply walk!
The main bar area was packed with gin buffs sat round cosy wooden tables munching on Pistachio nuts. The bar area itself is quite small so we had to wait a while to get served, but it became clear later they do have staff to take your order from your table.
Choosing a drink was another issue as this little place has 50+ gins to choose from so we opted for Ginjams signature cocktail which was very pretty and as its their signature drink you guessed it, it contained jam. It went down very well but it was too sweet to opt for a second.

My second drink was Brighton Gin with its full list of botanicals undisclosed,we do however, know it includes milk thistle, juniper, coriander fresh orange peel, lime and angelica root.
Those more educated gin drinkers can detect the milk thistle and juniper to the nose but I was more intrigued by the small chunk of Brighton rock that peeped through the ice giving it a distinct minty flavour that i really enjoyed.
Tasting platters were brought out during the evening to give and idea of the food that will be served in the restaurant on a normal evening all very tasty and great for picking at whilst you chat.
I am sure that Ginjams will soon become a regular haunt for locals and it may take them a good while to sample the selection of drinks on offer. I wish the boys good luck on their ginventure.
19 Seamoor Road
01202 757732