Chefs for foodies offer recipe boxes that contain everything you need to create a meal that has been developed by a professional chef. I was kindly gifted a box to sample and review.

Local Chef Simon Braz is one of the group of chefs that make up Chefs for foodies and having already tasted his food at the hotel he works at and taken one of his cookery classes during lockdown I was keen to try one of his recipes.
The insulated box arrives on your pre agreed date, ingredients have been weighed, measured and are clearly labelled. Everything was well packaged to avoid any spillages and the ice packs kept the meat cool. The ingredients are all hand picked for their exceptional quality, our chicken came from the Queen's butcher Aubrey Allen. If it is good enough for her majesty!
I chose Chicken Yakitori, it is a relatively simple dish to recreate but some of the ingredients I wouldn't use on a regular basis, having them supplied in the exact quantity required is extremely useful. I remember needing fish sauce for a recipe once and the only bottle I could source at the time was the size of a bottle of coke. I only needed a couple of teaspoons, needless to say the rest remained unused until I decided to throw it away.

The box comes with a recipe card from the chef and in some cases a video that you can watch as you cook along. A possible suggestion for the future would be a guide to the complexity of the each dish to help customers when choosing a recipe box.
Take a look at the Chefs for foodies website, the chefs all have very different styles just choose the one that suits you. Each recipe page lists allergens and details of how to access the recipe and video. When you reach the checkout it recommends wines to accompany main dishes , how convenient having it all delivered to your door.
I thoroughly enjoyed cooking this dish and as my husband and I are currently isolating we may be ordering something else very soon.
Thanks Chefs for foodies